Income to Afford a $140,000 House

How much do you need to make to be able to afford a house that costs $140,000?
Purchase price
Down payment
Interest rate
Pct of income
for housing
Term of loan
To afford a house that costs $140,000 with a down payment of $28,000, you'd need to earn $30,339 per year before tax.
The mortgage payment would be $708 / month.
Salary needed for 140,000 dollar mortgage.
Note: This calculator is for fixed-rate mortgages. Adjustable-rate mortgages, or ARMs, may allow you to acheive lower payments in the short term. However, with ARMs, your monthly payment may increase if interest rates rise.
Note: 28% is the standard percentage of pre-tax income to spend on housing.
What is the income needed to buy a $140,000 house?
Annual income needed by down payment and interest rate
5.00% 5.50% 6.00% 6.50% 7.00% 7.50%
0% down $32,209 $34,067 $35,973 $37,924 $39,918 $41,953
5% down $30,599 $32,364 $34,174 $36,028 $37,922 $39,855
10% down $28,988 $30,661 $32,376 $34,132 $35,926 $37,758
15% down $27,378 $28,957 $30,577 $32,235 $33,930 $35,660
20% down $25,767 $27,254 $28,778 $30,339 $31,935 $33,562
25% down $24,157 $25,551 $26,980 $28,443 $29,939 $31,465
30% down $22,547 $23,847 $25,181 $26,547 $27,943 $29,367
35% down $20,936 $22,144 $23,382 $24,651 $25,947 $27,269
40% down $19,326 $20,440 $21,584 $22,754 $23,951 $25,172
45% down $17,715 $18,737 $19,785 $20,858 $21,955 $23,074
50% down $16,105 $17,034 $17,987 $18,962 $19,959 $20,976
Average House Price by State
What's the median price for a home in all 50 states? Source: Zillow, June 2023
State Price
Hawaii $837,324
California $743,362
Massachusetts $587,875
Washington $577,353
Colorado $543,143
Utah $510,934
Oregon $498,558
New Jersey $484,467
New Hampshire $446,839
Montana $446,602
Idaho $442,820
New York $441,462
Rhode Island $432,888
Arizona $420,494
Nevada $416,340
Maryland $405,562
Florida $390,856
State Price
Maine $383,137
Vermont $380,266
Connecticut $374,599
Virginia $371,623
Delaware $370,405
Alaska $351,218
Wyoming $338,216
Minnesota $331,190
North Carolina $320,096
Georgia $318,919
Tennessee $311,628
Texas $303,971
South Dakota $296,109
New Mexico $292,822
South Carolina $288,816
Wisconsin $285,037
Pennsylvania $255,965
State Price
Nebraska $254,916
North Dakota $251,062
Illinois $250,542
Missouri $238,055
Michigan $235,361
Indiana $231,660
Alabama $223,246
Ohio $218,667
Kansas $215,642
Iowa $211,054
Kentucky $200,955
Louisiana $200,370
Arkansas $199,636
Oklahoma $198,936
Mississippi $172,654
West Virginia $155,773