Most Expensive House With a $6,000 Income

What's the most expensive house you can afford with an income of $6,000? This page will calculate the most expensive house you can buy with a $6k salary.
Annual Income
(before tax)
Down Payment
Interest Rate
Term of Loan
Pct of Income
(for housing)


With the parameters you selected, the most expensive house you can afford costs $31,325.

Your monthly payment would be $140.

What House Can You Buy On $6,000 a Year?
(Based on interest rate and down payment)
4.50% 4.75% 5.00% 5.25% 5.50% 5.75% 6.00% 6.25% 6.50% 6.75% 7.00% 7.25% 7.50%
$0 $27,631 $26,838 $26,079 $25,353 $24,657 $23,990 $23,351 $22,738 $22,150 $21,585 $21,043 $20,523 $20,022
$600 $28,231 $27,438 $26,679 $25,953 $25,257 $24,590 $23,951 $23,338 $22,750 $22,185 $21,643 $21,123 $20,622
$1,200 $28,831 $28,038 $27,279 $26,553 $25,857 $25,190 $24,551 $23,938 $23,350 $22,785 $22,243 $21,723 $21,222
$1,800 $29,431 $28,638 $27,879 $27,153 $26,457 $25,790 $25,151 $24,538 $23,950 $23,385 $22,843 $22,323 $21,822
$2,400 $30,031 $29,238 $28,479 $27,753 $27,057 $26,390 $25,751 $25,138 $24,550 $23,985 $23,443 $22,923 $22,422
$3,000 $30,631 $29,838 $29,079 $28,353 $27,657 $26,990 $26,351 $25,738 $25,150 $24,585 $24,043 $23,523 $23,022
$3,600 $31,231 $30,438 $29,679 $28,953 $28,257 $27,590 $26,951 $26,338 $25,750 $25,185 $24,643 $24,123 $23,622
$4,200 $31,831 $31,038 $30,279 $29,553 $28,857 $28,190 $27,551 $26,938 $26,350 $25,785 $25,243 $24,723 $24,222
$4,800 $32,431 $31,638 $30,879 $30,153 $29,457 $28,790 $28,151 $27,538 $26,950 $26,385 $25,843 $25,323 $24,822
$5,400 $33,031 $32,238 $31,479 $30,753 $30,057 $29,390 $28,751 $28,138 $27,550 $26,985 $26,443 $25,923 $25,422
$6,000 $33,631 $32,838 $32,079 $31,353 $30,657 $29,990 $29,351 $28,738 $28,150 $27,585 $27,043 $26,523 $26,022
$6,600 $34,231 $33,438 $32,679 $31,953 $31,257 $30,590 $29,951 $29,338 $28,750 $28,185 $27,643 $27,123 $26,622
$7,200 $34,831 $34,038 $33,279 $32,553 $31,857 $31,190 $30,551 $29,938 $29,350 $28,785 $28,243 $27,723 $27,222
$7,800 $35,431 $34,638 $33,879 $33,153 $32,457 $31,790 $31,151 $30,538 $29,950 $29,385 $28,843 $28,323 $27,822
$8,400 $36,031 $35,238 $34,479 $33,753 $33,057 $32,390 $31,751 $31,138 $30,550 $29,985 $29,443 $28,923 $28,422
$9,000 $36,631 $35,838 $35,079 $34,353 $33,657 $32,990 $32,351 $31,738 $31,150 $30,585 $30,043 $29,523 $29,022