Present Value of $32,000

What is the present value of $32,000? How much is $32k in the future worth today?
Present Date
Future Date
Future Value
Rate of Return

Let's say an investment will pay out $32,000 in the future. How much should you be willing to pay for that investment today?

Present Value of $32,000 by Discount Rate
2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 10.0%
1 Years $31,373 $31,068 $30,769 $30,476 $30,189 $29,907 $29,630 $29,358 $29,091
2 Years $30,757 $30,163 $29,586 $29,025 $28,480 $27,950 $27,435 $26,934 $26,446
3 Years $30,154 $29,285 $28,448 $27,643 $26,868 $26,122 $25,403 $24,710 $24,042
4 Years $29,563 $28,432 $27,354 $26,326 $25,347 $24,413 $23,521 $22,670 $21,856
5 Years $28,983 $27,603 $26,302 $25,073 $23,912 $22,816 $21,779 $20,798 $19,869
6 Years $28,415 $26,799 $25,290 $23,879 $22,559 $21,323 $20,165 $19,081 $18,063
7 Years $27,858 $26,019 $24,317 $22,742 $21,282 $19,928 $18,672 $17,505 $16,421
8 Years $27,312 $25,261 $23,382 $21,659 $20,077 $18,624 $17,289 $16,060 $14,928
9 Years $26,776 $24,525 $22,483 $20,627 $18,941 $17,406 $16,008 $14,734 $13,571
10 Years $26,251 $23,811 $21,618 $19,645 $17,869 $16,267 $14,822 $13,517 $12,337
11 Years $25,736 $23,117 $20,787 $18,710 $16,857 $15,203 $13,724 $12,401 $11,216
12 Years $25,232 $22,444 $19,987 $17,819 $15,903 $14,208 $12,708 $11,377 $10,196
13 Years $24,737 $21,790 $19,218 $16,970 $15,003 $13,279 $11,766 $10,438 $9,269
14 Years $24,252 $21,156 $18,479 $16,162 $14,154 $12,410 $10,895 $9,576 $8,427
15 Years $23,776 $20,540 $17,768 $15,393 $13,352 $11,598 $10,088 $8,785 $7,661