Present Value of $320,000

What is the present value of $320,000? How much is $320k in the future worth today?
Present Date
Future Date
Future Value
Rate of Return

Let's say an investment will pay out $320,000 in the future. How much should you be willing to pay for that investment today?

Present Value of $320,000 by Discount Rate
2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 10.0%
1 Years $313,725 $310,680 $307,692 $304,762 $301,887 $299,065 $296,296 $293,578 $290,909
2 Years $307,574 $301,631 $295,858 $290,249 $284,799 $279,500 $274,348 $269,338 $264,463
3 Years $301,543 $292,845 $284,479 $276,428 $268,678 $261,215 $254,026 $247,099 $240,421
4 Years $295,631 $284,316 $273,537 $263,265 $253,470 $244,126 $235,210 $226,696 $218,564
5 Years $289,834 $276,035 $263,017 $250,728 $239,123 $228,156 $217,787 $207,978 $198,695
6 Years $284,151 $267,995 $252,901 $238,789 $225,587 $213,230 $201,654 $190,806 $180,632
7 Years $278,579 $260,189 $243,174 $227,418 $212,818 $199,280 $186,717 $175,051 $164,211
8 Years $273,117 $252,611 $233,821 $216,589 $200,772 $186,243 $172,886 $160,597 $149,282
9 Years $267,762 $245,253 $224,828 $206,275 $189,408 $174,059 $160,080 $147,337 $135,711
10 Years $262,511 $238,110 $216,181 $196,452 $178,686 $162,672 $148,222 $135,171 $123,374
11 Years $257,364 $231,175 $207,866 $187,097 $168,572 $152,030 $137,243 $124,011 $112,158
12 Years $252,318 $224,442 $199,871 $178,188 $159,030 $142,084 $127,076 $113,771 $101,962
13 Years $247,370 $217,904 $192,184 $169,703 $150,028 $132,789 $117,663 $104,377 $92,693
14 Years $242,520 $211,558 $184,792 $161,622 $141,536 $124,102 $108,948 $95,759 $84,266
15 Years $237,765 $205,396 $177,685 $153,925 $133,525 $115,983 $100,877 $87,852 $76,605