Present Value of $330,000

What is the present value of $330,000? How much is $330k in the future worth today?
Present Date
Future Date
Future Value
Rate of Return

Let's say an investment will pay out $330,000 in the future. How much should you be willing to pay for that investment today?

Present Value of $330,000 by Discount Rate
2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 10.0%
1 Years $323,529 $320,388 $317,308 $314,286 $311,321 $308,411 $305,556 $302,752 $300,000
2 Years $317,186 $311,057 $305,104 $299,320 $293,699 $288,235 $282,922 $277,754 $272,727
3 Years $310,966 $301,997 $293,369 $285,066 $277,074 $269,378 $261,965 $254,821 $247,934
4 Years $304,869 $293,201 $282,085 $271,492 $261,391 $251,755 $242,560 $233,780 $225,394
5 Years $298,891 $284,661 $271,236 $258,564 $246,595 $235,285 $224,592 $214,477 $204,904
6 Years $293,031 $276,370 $260,804 $246,251 $232,637 $219,893 $207,956 $196,768 $186,276
7 Years $287,285 $268,320 $250,773 $234,525 $219,469 $205,507 $192,552 $180,521 $169,342
8 Years $281,652 $260,505 $241,128 $223,357 $207,046 $192,063 $178,289 $165,616 $153,947
9 Years $276,129 $252,918 $231,854 $212,721 $195,326 $179,498 $165,082 $151,941 $139,952
10 Years $270,715 $245,551 $222,936 $202,591 $184,270 $167,755 $152,854 $139,396 $127,229
11 Years $265,407 $238,399 $214,362 $192,944 $173,840 $156,781 $141,531 $127,886 $115,663
12 Years $260,203 $231,455 $206,117 $183,756 $164,000 $146,524 $131,048 $117,326 $105,148
13 Years $255,101 $224,714 $198,189 $175,006 $154,717 $136,938 $121,340 $107,639 $95,589
14 Years $250,099 $218,169 $190,567 $166,672 $145,959 $127,980 $112,352 $98,751 $86,899
15 Years $245,195 $211,814 $183,237 $158,736 $137,697 $119,607 $104,030 $90,598 $78,999