Present Value of $340,000

What is the present value of $340,000? How much is $340k in the future worth today?
Present Date
Future Date
Future Value
Rate of Return

Let's say an investment will pay out $340,000 in the future. How much should you be willing to pay for that investment today?

Present Value of $340,000 by Discount Rate
2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 10.0%
1 Years $333,333 $330,097 $326,923 $323,810 $320,755 $317,757 $314,815 $311,927 $309,091
2 Years $326,797 $320,483 $314,349 $308,390 $302,599 $296,969 $291,495 $286,171 $280,992
3 Years $320,390 $311,148 $302,259 $293,705 $285,471 $277,541 $269,903 $262,542 $255,447
4 Years $314,107 $302,086 $290,633 $279,719 $269,312 $259,384 $249,910 $240,865 $232,225
5 Years $307,948 $293,287 $279,455 $266,399 $254,068 $242,415 $231,398 $220,977 $211,113
6 Years $301,910 $284,745 $268,707 $253,713 $239,687 $226,556 $214,258 $202,731 $191,921
7 Years $295,990 $276,451 $258,372 $241,632 $226,119 $211,735 $198,387 $185,992 $174,474
8 Years $290,187 $268,399 $248,435 $230,125 $213,320 $197,883 $183,691 $170,635 $158,613
9 Years $284,497 $260,582 $238,879 $219,167 $201,245 $184,937 $170,085 $156,545 $144,193
10 Years $278,918 $252,992 $229,692 $208,731 $189,854 $172,839 $157,486 $143,620 $131,085
11 Years $273,449 $245,623 $220,858 $198,791 $179,108 $161,532 $145,820 $131,761 $119,168
12 Years $268,088 $238,469 $212,363 $189,325 $168,970 $150,964 $135,019 $120,882 $108,334
13 Years $262,831 $231,523 $204,195 $180,309 $159,405 $141,088 $125,017 $110,901 $98,486
14 Years $257,678 $224,780 $196,342 $171,723 $150,382 $131,858 $115,757 $101,744 $89,533
15 Years $252,625 $218,233 $188,790 $163,546 $141,870 $123,232 $107,182 $93,343 $81,393