Present Value of $355,000

What is the present value of $355,000? How much is $355k in the future worth today?
Present Date
Future Date
Future Value
Rate of Return

Let's say an investment will pay out $355,000 in the future. How much should you be willing to pay for that investment today?

Present Value of $355,000 by Discount Rate
2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 10.0%
1 Years $348,039 $344,660 $341,346 $338,095 $334,906 $331,776 $328,704 $325,688 $322,727
2 Years $341,215 $334,622 $328,217 $321,995 $315,949 $310,071 $304,355 $298,796 $293,388
3 Years $334,524 $324,875 $315,594 $306,662 $298,065 $289,786 $281,810 $274,125 $266,717
4 Years $327,965 $315,413 $303,455 $292,059 $281,193 $270,828 $260,936 $251,491 $242,470
5 Years $321,534 $306,226 $291,784 $278,152 $265,277 $253,110 $241,607 $230,726 $220,427
6 Years $315,230 $297,307 $280,562 $264,906 $250,261 $236,551 $223,710 $211,675 $200,388
7 Years $309,049 $288,647 $269,771 $252,292 $236,095 $221,076 $207,139 $194,197 $182,171
8 Years $302,989 $280,240 $259,395 $240,278 $222,731 $206,613 $191,795 $178,163 $165,610
9 Years $297,048 $272,078 $249,418 $228,836 $210,124 $193,096 $177,588 $163,452 $150,555
10 Years $291,224 $264,153 $239,825 $217,939 $198,230 $180,464 $164,434 $149,956 $136,868
11 Years $285,513 $256,460 $230,601 $207,561 $187,010 $168,658 $152,253 $137,574 $124,425
12 Years $279,915 $248,990 $221,732 $197,677 $176,424 $157,624 $140,975 $126,215 $113,114
13 Years $274,427 $241,738 $213,204 $188,264 $166,438 $147,312 $130,533 $115,793 $102,831
14 Years $269,046 $234,697 $205,004 $179,299 $157,017 $137,675 $120,864 $106,232 $93,483
15 Years $263,770 $227,861 $197,119 $170,761 $148,129 $128,668 $111,911 $97,461 $84,984