Present Value of $39,000

What is the present value of $39,000? How much is $39k in the future worth today?
Present Date
Future Date
Future Value
Rate of Return

Let's say an investment will pay out $39,000 in the future. How much should you be willing to pay for that investment today?

Present Value of $39,000 by Discount Rate
2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 10.0%
1 Years $38,235 $37,864 $37,500 $37,143 $36,792 $36,449 $36,111 $35,780 $35,455
2 Years $37,486 $36,761 $36,058 $35,374 $34,710 $34,064 $33,436 $32,826 $32,231
3 Years $36,751 $35,691 $34,671 $33,690 $32,745 $31,836 $30,959 $30,115 $29,301
4 Years $36,030 $34,651 $33,337 $32,085 $30,892 $29,753 $28,666 $27,629 $26,638
5 Years $35,324 $33,642 $32,055 $30,558 $29,143 $27,806 $26,543 $25,347 $24,216
6 Years $34,631 $32,662 $30,822 $29,102 $27,493 $25,987 $24,577 $23,254 $22,014
7 Years $33,952 $31,711 $29,637 $27,717 $25,937 $24,287 $22,756 $21,334 $20,013
8 Years $33,286 $30,787 $28,497 $26,397 $24,469 $22,698 $21,070 $19,573 $18,194
9 Years $32,633 $29,890 $27,401 $25,140 $23,084 $21,213 $19,510 $17,957 $16,540
10 Years $31,994 $29,020 $26,347 $23,943 $21,777 $19,826 $18,065 $16,474 $15,036
11 Years $31,366 $28,174 $25,334 $22,802 $20,545 $18,529 $16,726 $15,114 $13,669
12 Years $30,751 $27,354 $24,359 $21,717 $19,382 $17,316 $15,487 $13,866 $12,427
13 Years $30,148 $26,557 $23,422 $20,683 $18,285 $16,184 $14,340 $12,721 $11,297
14 Years $29,557 $25,784 $22,522 $19,698 $17,250 $15,125 $13,278 $11,671 $10,270
15 Years $28,978 $25,033 $21,655 $18,760 $16,273 $14,135 $12,294 $10,707 $9,336