Present Value of $525,000

What is the present value of $525,000? How much is $525k in the future worth today?
Present Date
Future Date
Future Value
Rate of Return

Let's say an investment will pay out $525,000 in the future. How much should you be willing to pay for that investment today?

Present Value of $525,000 by Discount Rate
2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 10.0%
1 Years $514,706 $509,709 $504,808 $500,000 $495,283 $490,654 $486,111 $481,651 $477,273
2 Years $504,614 $494,863 $485,392 $476,190 $467,248 $458,555 $450,103 $441,882 $433,884
3 Years $494,719 $480,449 $466,723 $453,515 $440,800 $428,556 $416,762 $405,396 $394,440
4 Years $485,019 $466,456 $448,772 $431,919 $415,849 $400,520 $385,891 $371,923 $358,582
5 Years $475,509 $452,870 $431,512 $411,351 $392,311 $374,318 $357,306 $341,214 $325,984
6 Years $466,185 $439,679 $414,915 $391,763 $370,104 $349,830 $330,839 $313,040 $296,349
7 Years $457,044 $426,873 $398,957 $373,108 $349,155 $326,944 $306,332 $287,193 $269,408
8 Years $448,082 $414,440 $383,612 $355,341 $329,391 $305,555 $283,641 $263,480 $244,916
9 Years $439,297 $402,369 $368,858 $338,420 $310,747 $285,565 $262,631 $241,725 $222,651
10 Years $430,683 $390,649 $354,671 $322,304 $293,157 $266,883 $243,177 $221,766 $202,410
11 Years $422,238 $379,271 $341,030 $306,957 $276,563 $249,424 $225,164 $203,455 $184,009
12 Years $413,959 $368,224 $327,913 $292,340 $260,909 $233,106 $208,485 $186,656 $167,281
13 Years $405,842 $357,499 $315,301 $278,419 $246,140 $217,856 $193,041 $171,244 $152,074
14 Years $397,884 $347,087 $303,174 $265,161 $232,208 $203,604 $178,742 $157,104 $138,249
15 Years $390,083 $336,978 $291,514 $252,534 $219,064 $190,284 $165,502 $144,132 $125,681